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Our Top Tips for Using Reclamation Yards...​

  • If you are looking for something specific have any information you need to hand, particularly dimensions.

  • Take a tape measure. We are always loosing ours!

  • Wear strong footwear. There's a lot of heavy stuff about.

  • Be prepared to route and rummage. Allow yourself time to have a really good explore.

  • Ask for advice. We're always happy to help.

  • Take photographs. You can share them with your builder.

  • Be open minded. There may be lots of different ways of achieving your desired outcome.

  • Don't expect things to be perfect. If  something is handmade or very old it isn't going to look like the version you buy in B&Q. 

  • Do some research. SALVO Uk is a great website for Salvage Dealers that you can access. Find out how much things cost, source stock, find inspiration...and all from your armchair.

  • Take your builder with you. If you aren't doing your project yourself this can be really helpful.



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