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#Reclaim, restore, reuse, relove.

So it's official, I have got the recycling bug. We throw away so much and lets face it this is a place full of things that people no longer wanted, could see no further use for or simply didn't like. However, this is not a graveyard but a place where things are resurrected. From handmade nails to giant mill beams we know somebody out there will reuse and relove them.

Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder and I love a bit of rust and peeling paint. I don't want things to look like new again but to continue to reflect the years of use and handling.....and yes, love. We sell most of our stock in the precise condition it came to us in; it keeps the price down and also allows the new owner to decide what needs to be done. Every restoration, new build or DIY project is unique and If you don't share my love of 'decay' I will happily remove paint and rust for you ( for a small fee of course).

It's the bug, the pleasure in giving something a little TLC, usually in the form of a rub with some wire wool, and seeing a feature you hadn't notice suddenly appear or uncovering the evidence of a grandiose past. Applying just enough love is an art form in itself.

Sometimes the thrill is in seeing an entirely new purpose for something. I discovered the rotting (not too strong a word) remains of an old pony cart and what is salvageable is going to make the most beautiful coat rack and shelving. If you look beyond what I'm sure some people see as chaos there is treasure to be found........from a handmade nail to a giant mill beam.

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