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Work Life Balance

So I'm new to this running your own business malarkey. I've been used to, over the years, working 60 or 70 hour weeks, commuting long distances and spending weekends planning and preparing for the next week. Work life balance wasn't something a younger me really considered. I suppose I'm naturally quite driven, especially if I'm engaged in something I'm passionate about. Work stress hasn't necessarily been a bad thing: I like to be challenged.

I'm having to get used to Duncan telling me to slow down. Every day I wake up and I have so many things I want to do, ideas I want to share or projects I think will be fabulous. If I was a dog I think I'd be a Springer Spaniel.....all mad energy, bounce and curiosity. Adorable if its not five in the morning or you are confined in a small space, like the van, and can't escape.

Sunday brought heavy snow and there was no way we were getting to the yard. It was hard not to feel frustrated but with a little gentle persuasion I left the laptop and my mobile and found myself on the beautiful snow covered hills rising from Church Stretton. Thank you Duncan!!!! Walking, talking, laughing, watching sledgers, taking in the incredible landscape, was good for the soul. And a reminder that part of this change in career has been about creating time, being together and enjoying living. Ye, we'll work hard, but we won't forget that there is so much more to life than the business. we're rich in so many ways and its good when we can create the space to appreciate this and be grateful.

So I'm looking forward to lazy days off, evenings of good food and conversation and precious time with family and friends. But promises that I won't still chew your ear off!!!

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