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And so I Have a Desk

Updated: May 16, 2018

Trudi's blog, star date 07/03/2018. The title says it all ;I have managed to make myself a small space in the office which I call my desk. Somewhere to stick my laptop, store my hand cream (essential in this job) and arrange a growing collection of tape measures.

I have two drawers, one that doesn't shut because it is crammed full of tools, most of which I haven't a clue what their use is and the other full of cables, which I suspect nobody knows the use of.

A quick trip to Tuffins was required to purchase highlighter, pencils and pens. I couldn't pillage these from Duncan's desk, but he does have an impressive collection of paper clips, some of which are definately vintage.

As a friend said, when I told them I had my desk, "It's serious now" and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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